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It looks like you're not subscribed to Patreon yet. This site doesn't feature any ads, and neither Nutsuki or Izofeu earn money from running this website. You can remove this notice by subscribing to Patreon or by boosting our Discord server.

Ads removal statement

Ads have been removed from the website. The advertising website I used turned out to be dishonest and scammy. They served fullscreen popup redirect ads which I didn't agree to, I only agreed to have a small ad banner on top of the website and nothing else.

To disable ads on this website, type in a password that you can obtain from the Discord server in #rules-and-updates channel into the textbox below.

Q: I don't like ads! / Are ads privacy intrusive?
A: I hate ads as much as you do. That's why there's an option to disable ads. By disabling ads, the ad script won't load at all, preserving user privacy. I don't discourage you from disabling ads, however if you do so, consider supporting Nutsuki on Patreon. Please note that the ad banner is the creator of this website's only source of revenue for maintaining this project. The ad revenue from the banner is split 50/50 between Izofeu and Nutsuki.