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Contact details

If you own rights to content uploaded to this website and would like to have it deleted, leave a comment under this page or contact me on Discord (izofeu). Include the following:
- The link(s) to the post(s) in which your work(s) appear(s)
- Proof that you're a creator of the work(s) (not necessary if the source link does not work).
I'll respond to your request as soon as I notice your message.
You can also contact me if you have any questions regarding the page.
Messages in languages other than English will be ignored.

Please note that this website does not store/host any video content files itself, which means I cannot delete video files shown on the website. I may take a post down at my own discretion upon getting a notice, however I cannot delete actual hosted files. If you want videos you have a right to removed, submit an appropriate takedown notice to the appropriate file hosting entity.

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