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Q: What is this website?
A: This blog (website) is an archive of all videos posted by Nutsuki on his Discord server. The website does not store any video files. It is only a front end that allows you to view videos uploaded by Nutsuki. The page has been created to allow easy viewing of Nutsuki's uploads without having to download them.

Q: Some videos don't load for me!
A: If a video shows as audio playback, it means your browser/device does not support h.265 decoding. Videos encoded with an h.265 encoder can only be played on devices with h.265 decoding support. Try using a different browser or enable hardware acceleration. Otherwise, you must download the video to play it.

Q: Can I upload old Nutsuki's videos onto the website?
A: I personally don't mind and encourage it. Please ask Nutsuki for an uploader role on Discord.

Q: Who is this page run by?
A: This page is founded and run by Izofeu, who also created a Discord bot to automate the uploading process. It was created as a thank you to Nutsuki for uploading great Project Diva videos for free. The hosting of the uploading bot has been sponsored by Vindictive.

Q: How do you use cookies?
A: I set cookies on your device only to remember your preferences. For example, if you hide the post list then you don't want it to reappear every time you refresh the page, or probably ever again until you want to see it again, so I set a cookie that tells your browser to hide the list every time you visit my website.
Only some cookies are set by me. The website features a Discord iframe which may set its own cookies onto your browser. Google, the host of this website also sets cookies on your device necessary to visit the webpage (age check for example). I cannot manage cookies set by 3rd parties. Your cookie settings can be controlled from your browser's settings. Keep in mind that blocking all cookies may make the webpage inaccessible for you. This is outside of my control.

Q: Why do my settings reset over time?
A: Cookies have to have an expiration date. My website sets them to expire after 1 year which works fine on most browsers, however some browsers limit the maximum age of cookies. For example, Brave browser limits the maximum age to as little as 7 days, which means that after 7 days your preferences will get reset. The website automatically refreshes cookies every visit to mitigate this problem so as long as you visit the website from time to time, your settings will never get reset.

Q: How is popularity of videos determined?
A: The popularity of videos is determined by the amount of clicks a video has received since it was uploaded. For users who do not wish for their views to be counted, a tracking toggle exists in website's Settings.

Q: I don't like ads! / Are ads privacy intrusive?
A: I hate ads as much as you do. That's why there's an option to disable ads. By disabling ads, the ad script won't load at all, preserving user privacy. I don't discourage you from disabling ads, however if you do so, consider supporting Nutsuki on Patreon. Please note that the ad banner is the creator of this website's only source of revenue for maintaining this project. The ad revenue from the banner is split 50/50 between Izofeu and Nutsuki.